Studded or flanged adapters, tree caps, specific number of gate valves, surface safety valve with or without wireline cutting (hydraulic and pneumatic actuator), chokes and studded tees or crosses upon customer request.
Studded or flanged adapters, tree caps, specific number of gate valves, surface safety valve with or without wireline cutting (hydraulic and pneumatic actuator), chokes and studded tees or crosses upon customer request.
Delta has manufactured several sizes of solid block X-mas trees with manually operated valves and actuator-operated valves. The range manufactured covers single bores and dual bores.
Delta can provide customers with several sizes of dual block X-mas trees with manually operated valves and actuator-operated valves.
The purpose of using dual bores is to produce oil from different levels inside the same well and using them (the dual bores) for multi-lateral drilling.
Tree caps are installed on the top of X-mas trees for quick access to the tubing bore via a tester or lubricator adapter for bottom hole testing, installing back-pressure valves, etc. The bottom hole test adapter allows a flexible means of entry into the tubing bore.